Chris Bell has announced his intended retirement and will leave Bandai Namco at the end of March. Chris, a hugely respected character has spent the last 16 years working in a number of roles within Bandai Namco, most notably as General Manager overseeing Services within the UK. His work within the Amusements Industry spans back an impressive five decades enjoying stints with R G Mitchell Kiddie Rides, BAFCO Kiddie Rides, Amutec, Cromptons, Deith Leisure & RLMS, some may remember his business which he set up in the early 90s ‘The Kiddie Ride Exchange’ based out of Skegness, however it was in 2008 when he joined Bandai Namco that he found his spiritual home and has since never looked back.
Trevor Sutton, Business Director of Complete Solutions, part of Bandai Namco Amusement Europe says “Chris has been a great ambassador for our wonderful company, forging links, building relationships with key partners, and ensuring he leaves us with opportunities to continue to build on his huge successes & achievements. He has been instrumental in everything that Complete Solutions Business represents today, and I am proud to have worked alongside him & have some very fond memories. His support has been unwavering, showing incredible dedication to the cause and it is clear he still gets a real buzz out of striking a deal! He is a true gentleman and I look forward to seeing him post-retirement perhaps to share a few beverages at the 19th hole.”
John McKenzie, Managing Director says of Chris “During his time with Bandai Namco, Chris has proved to be a loyal and valued member of our team and above all a trusted friend, not just to me but many of us here in the Company and of course colleagues from around the industry. He displays the energy of someone just embarking on his career yet possesses all of the knowledge and experience from his years in our business…I don’t think I’m far from the truth when I say that Chris generates as many road miles as I do air miles! I therefore join with everyone in wishing Chris a happy retirement and that both he and Allison enjoy the time together that they so richly deserve.”
14 February 2024
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